GREAT Project Blog (Project Updates)

GREAT Endeavors: Reflections of a Year of Impact!

Posted in Project Updates, Newsletter

20+ GREAT presentations & communication events in 2023 including upcoming ones in 2024.

2nd GREAT Consortium Meeting in Copenhagen on Feb 28-29th, 2024

Posted in Project Updates, Events

GREAT Project partners held 2 productive days of interactive workshops, capacity-building activities and interesting conversations.

Frederick University Collaborates with Urban Gorillas NGO to Explore the Potential of Rooftop Utilization in Cities for Adapting to Climate Change

Posted in Project Updates

Pioneer projects in Nicosia with the European Creative Rooftop Network highlight underused rooftop potential for biodiversity and renewable energy.

Invitation to Collaborate on the Games for Culture Cluster

Posted in Project Updates, Horizon Europe

The GREAT project is excited to be invited to collaborate with other projects in the EU Games for Culture cluster.

First Meeting and Synergies With EU Sister Projects

Posted in Project Updates, Events, Horizon Europe

The GREAT Project coordinates its efforts with two Horizon Europe sister projects.

GREAT Project Presentations at the 2023 Intl. Conference of Young Scientists

Posted in Events, Project Updates

Dissemination activities were underway at the event held in conjunction with the Global Young Academy Annual General Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda, 5-9 June, 2023.

GREAT Project kick-off meeting

Posted in Project Updates

A fruitful and successful kick-off meeting for the GREAT project (Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation, co-funded by EU and UKRI) with all consortium partners was held on 1-2 March.

Project kick-off: Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation (GREAT)

Posted in Project Updates

A new European Union-funded project involving scientific and private-sector partner organizations is investigating how computer games can be used to improve climate protection.