Invitation to Collaborate on the Games for Culture Cluster
The GREAT project is excited to be invited to collaborate with other projects in the EU Games for Culture cluster.
Particularly, a project named MEMENTOES, funded under the HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01 Grant, which aims to create immersive games for museums as vehicles to engage visitors in empathetic responses.
Its aim is to
- enhance empathy and reconciliation from past events to live a better future,
- promote education and social change
- increase inclusivity by making the games accessible.
The MEMENTOES project will develop the following 3 games in partnership between a museum and a game developer including Causa Creations, FORTH, and Charles Games:
- Le Bois Du Cazier (former coal mine / exploitation of migrant workers), UNESCO world heritage site in Belgium.
- The Gulag System (life of the prisoners in the labor camps)
- War Childhood Museum (war from the eyes of children who grew up in conflict)
Please visit the project website and news section for more information relating to the three games.

We are looking forward to our first meeting with MEMENTOES in the first half of November to explore potential synergies, maximize dissemination, share discovered knowledge and lessons learnt, boost awareness with stakeholders and policy-makers and ensure continuation of developed practices after the lifetime of the projects.