GREAT Project Blog (Games)

GREAT Games for Culture Research Hub

Posted in Games

New Zotero community features bibliographic references useful in GREAT Project research activities.

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen Speaks at the Creative Business Cup 2024 Global Finals

Posted in Events, Games

Exciting panel discussion on "Gaming for Culture and Society" at Creative Business Cup 2024 Global Finals.

NWU Launches Educational Card Game Prosper to Mark World IP Day

Posted in Games

Created by Dr Byron Bunt and Dr Lance Bunt, the game presents different challenges relating to making society better.

How Does Environmental Perception Affect Players' In-game Behaviors?

Posted in Publications, Games

Professors Tlili and Huang's study in Entertainment Computing reveals that players’ environmental perceptions affect their in-game behaviors, influencing eco-friendly game design.

SGI Presents DiBL at Game-Based Learning Summit

Posted in Events, Games

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen introduced SGI's digital learning game format designed to cater to the classroom’s unique strength and weaknesses.

Using Games to Increase the Reach of Diverse Citizens

Posted in Events, Games

At the Berlin Institute of Health, GREAT discussed how the use of games can be used to increase the reach of diverse citizens to improve research quality.

17th European Conference on Games Based Learning

Posted in Events, Games

University of Bolton's Prof. Paul Hollins gave a talk on "The Application of Games to Engage Citizens in Climate Change Policy Development".

Dilemma Games for Policy Making

Posted in Games

GREAT's dilemma based approach helps highlight the complexities of policy-making to citizens.

SGI Demos Dilemma Based Learning at EdTech Denmark's 2023 Digital Learning Day

Posted in Events, Games, Climate Change

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen spoke with various stakeholders regarding DiBL and climate games with the aim of attracting interest and increasing awareness of the GREAT Project.

UN SDG and Games for Change Summit

Posted in Events, Games

Jude Ower, Founder and CEO of Playmob presented at the first ever SDG and G4C (Games for Change) Summit, held at the United Nations HQ on 17th July 2023.

Irish Games Based Learning Conference

Posted in Events, Games

Dr. Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen's talk 'Collaborative Dilemma Based Learning Games' at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning discusses harnessing the power of students and teachers in the classroom for a richer digital learning experience.